November 2010 -- agenda
2010, october 24
- 2 to 6, Cordoba Animacor :
Screening in competition of Love Patate
- 4 to 21, Leeds :
Screening in competition of Love Patate
- 8 to 14, Espinho Cinanima :
Screening of the Skeleton-Woman
- 9 to 13, Bradford Animation Festival :
Screening of the Skeleton-Woman and Love Patate
- 11 to 26, Belfast Cinemagic :
Screening in competition of the Skeleton-Woman and Love Patate
- 12 to 20, Cacak Animanima :
Screening in competition of the Skeleton-Woman
- 12 to 21, Wiesbaden Exground :
Screening in competition of Love Patate
- 15 to 23, Wissembourg RICA :
Screening in competition of the Skeleton-Woman and Love Patate
- 17, Leipzig Journées du cinéma français :
Screening of the Skeleton-Woman
- 18 to 21, Court c'est court :
Screening of the Skeleton-Woman
- 23 to 28, Cologne Unlimited 2010 :
Screening of the Skeleton-Woman and Love Patate in the 'La vie en fiction' program
Papy3D is a production company founded by a fellowship of animation film directors. As they all had experience in directing animation films, they wanted to create a production company which would allow them to have a better control over their work.