After Cannes, the road goes on-- festivals
2010, septembre 17

The carreers of The Skeleton Woman and Love Patate keep going.
The Skeleton-Woman is entering competition in the Palm Springs ShortFest!
It alos got new selections :
- Avanca 2010
- Beauvais Film Festival 2010
- Bègles Magical Nights 2010
- Belfast Cinemagic 2010
- Bradford Animation Festival 2010
- Bucharest Anim'est 2010
- Cacak Animanima International Animation Festival 2010
- Ebensee Festivals of Nations 2010
- Espinho Cinanima 2010
- Hagondange City court Festival 2010
- Hiroshima Animation Festival 2010
- Kaohsiung Film Festival 2010
- Leipzig Dok Festival 2010
- Moncton FICFA 2010
- Montreal New Cinema Festival 2010
- Ourense International Film Festival 2010
- Rio Anima Mundi 2010
- Sapporo Short Film Festival 2010
- Segovia 3DWire 2010
- Sitges Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya 2010
- Stockholm FIA 2010
- Wiesbaden International Weekend of Animation 2010
And for Love Patate
- Angoulême French-Speaking Film Festival 2010
- Bègles Magical Nights 2010
- Belfast Cinemagic 2010
- Bradford Animation Festival 2010
- Bruz Animation Film Festival 2010
- Cordoba Animacor 2010
- Corte 'Mediterranean nights of short film' 2010
- Hagondange City court Festival 2010
- Hong Kong French Cinema Showcase 2010
- Kaohsiung Film Festival 2010
- La Roche sur Yon 2010
- Miami Short Film Festival 2010
- Milano Film Festival 2010
- Moncton FICFA 2010
- Monterrey Film Festival 2010
- Montreal New Cinema Festival 2010
- Segovia 3DWire 2010
- Sitges Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya 2010
- Stockholm FIA 2010
- Wiesbaden Exground 2010
- Wiesbaden International Weekend of Animation 2010