
First selections for "Child Dream" and "The Head Vanishes"!  -- festivals

2016, april 6

The first selections in festivals start to come for the 2016 Papy3D line-up, Child Dream by Christophe Gérard and The Head Vanishes by Franck Dion.

Child Dream has been or is going to be screened in the following festivals :

  • Fantasporto in Porto
  • Mauvais Genre in Tours, in compétition
  • FICAM in Meknes, in compétition
  • Festival of Nations in Lenzing, in compétition

Concerning The Head Vanishes, it has a strong start with selections in competition in the following festivals :

  • International Animation Festival in Annecy
  • Curtas in Vila Do Conde

Child Dream also enter the RADI network fo the Short Film Agency.

We wish them to keep on trending this path!


Papy3D is a production company founded by a fellowship of animation film directors. As they all had experience in directing animation films, they wanted to create a production company which would allow them to have a better control over their work.

