
July 2022 -- agenda

2022, june 28

  • 13 to 19, Peja Anibar International Animation Festival :
    Screening of Hi! How are you?

Papy3D projetcs awarded during the Cannes festival! -- award

2022, June 03

The Cannes festival has seen the highlighting of two Papy3D projects for our greatest pleasure :

A huge bravo for the teams and a huge thank to the jurys for these awards !

First selections for "Little Smasher" and "Hi! How are you?"  -- diffusion

2022, June 03

The new productions by Papy3D start receiving their first selections in festivals!

Little Smasher by Gilles Cuvelier thus enter the Courtmétrange competition in Rennes, in company with Gaïa Grandin Mendzylewski's Hi! How are you?, which will be also screnned in the Côté Court festival in Pantin!

"Per Aspera Ad Astra" available online!  -- event

2022, March 06


Per Aspera Ad Astra, written and directed by Franck Dion, is now available online on our Vimeo (favorite) and Youtube channels!


Papy3D is a production company founded by a fellowship of animation film directors. As they all had experience in directing animation films, they wanted to create a production company which would allow them to have a better control over their work.

